Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Posting days

Okay! Today's the day!

POST DAYS! So I decided that I was going to post on Mondays! If I decide that I will post extra or have things that I have to introduce that are important I will give you guys a heads up on social media or on here, but for now Mondays are the day! I'm excited to get back to this so what are some ideas or topics you guys want me to talk about on here so that I can add them to my list? I don't know if videos are going to up just because I haven't had my camera and everything set up lately. We will see:)

That's all I have for now though so I'll see y'all Monday January the 18th!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Random Post

This is just a random post because I have been MIA!!! Like always! Well! I'm in school obviously it's going well right now I was at a rough start, but now I am back and ahead of the game. 

FINALLY POSTING and it feels so good. 
I wish I could rant about all that has happened so far in the this school year, but that would be pages long. Regardless, I am posting again soon and I will be posting release dates of post topics hopefully after my exam tomorrow and we can get down in dirty with some huge topics in college. Don't hate me for being gone so long lol I am trying to get back:) <3

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Heyy y'all! So I can't explain how happy I am to say that tomorrow morning I fly back home! It has been so long since I have seen my friends and I have missed them so much. This week's post will not be about anything special just how my summer went here in Germany.

My vacation here in Germany has been a really good time just because I got to spend it with my family. I never knew how much I missed my family until I saw how much joy I have when I get around them. I have a brother named EJ and he has grown up so much since I had been gone. When coming back he was so much taller and chunkier but that's okay lol. He has played basketball since he was little and since I got back I have gone to all of his practices. He is getting better and better every practice and I am sad I will not be able to see him practice for a little while. I know that when I get back though he is going to great at his games.

Besides watching EJ play all summer, I worked and let me tell you I don't miss it. If I had to say one thing that I will miss from my job it's my co-workers. My co-workers were the best and I will miss them dearly. They were all foreign *insert Trey Songz voice* ,so kind, and extremely funny. All I did at work was stock beauty products, stationary, and candies. It wasn't even makeup when it comes to beauty it was just facial washes and deodorants and crap. The only reason I got through those six hours was because of my co-workers making me laugh at their funny stories about their life. Overall work was a love hate but y'all better believe I am working this winter because the money and hours are good.

I actually got to a lot of traveling this summer but just between two countries. The 4th of July was fun for me and my family because we went to France and I had not been there since I was like 14 so it was nice to actually to see and appreciate it more.When we got there we had to take a hot behind city train to France and ride the tourist bus all around the city. I was dying by the end of the trip because it was so HOT! I had only been to France when it was cold and rainy so that heat came as a total surprise. We go to Disney Euro the rest of the week and basically rode every ride, I felt like a little kid again. I am definitely too old to go there again. I honestly would love to live in France but they need to fix their people attitudes then I'll consider the move lol

Another trip that we had got to go to twice was Belgium and this country was one of my favorites. When I was a little girl I lived in Belgium so it was nice to see where I was basically raised and what was one of my parents first overseas duty stations. We go to some of our favorite restaurants one being called the Pita shop. My family had been getting those pitas since I was a little girl and they are the best thing sliced bread. If you are ever in Belgium and you want to try it just message me I will give you the directions. I got to go see my old house and my parents go to see old friends that they hadn't seen in years. The fam and I also go to go to a place called Mini-Europe which basically like a really boring amusement park. When you walk in they force you take a pic with this orange dino and then you are on your way. After they force you to take the pic though it gets a lot better because once you go in the place is exactly what the title says mini-Europe. You walk in it is miniature structures of all the big monuments in Europe and it's pretty cool(I recommend it).

There is really nothing else I have to say about my summer! I loved it but it's time to go back to the city!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Heyy y'all so I am one week and two days away from going back to Iowa City and I can't tell you how excited I am. I've been spending this last full week with my family playing games and going out because I won't see them again until December. I do love Germany, but it's time for mama to get back to the city. Anyways, let's get on topic. This week's post will be about school supplies and what you actually need to bring with you as a Freshman. If you haven't noticed the trend already then I will tell you anyways that I also have a video on this topic on my youtube page if you don't want to read. Let's get down to it!

I think that there are eight crucial school supplies that you need for classes and everything else is irrelevant. Those eight school supplies are...

  1. A Binder: I use a 1' 1/2" binder that hold all of my classes which bring's me to my 2nd item
  2. Dividers with pockets: I use the dividers to separate my different class from each other in the binder. I usually use the ones that you can write on with a pen rather than the ones with the slips of paper because I'm lazy and I think its is easier.
  3. Loose Leaf Paper: Between each divider I would put each syllabus that I get for all of my classes and then add some loose leaf paper. When you have loose leaf paper it's great for when you have group roundtables or discussions and you don't have to tear paper out of your notebook. It is also good for if you leave your notebook at your dorm and you don't have to ask for one.
  4. Compositions: I think that when you go to school you to school to learn what will assist you with your career later. Having composition books to me allows you to write all the info that goes towards your major(later on career) and save it until you might need it again for reference. I use mine for chemistry and other sciences classes to get ready for the MCAT.
  5. Pens/Pencils/Highlighters: Make legends in your planner
  6. Sticky Notes: So you don't have to constantly waste large sheets of paper
  7. School books: Obviously. Chegg and amazon are the best place to get books for cheap.
  8. A Planner: Always have a planner on you to keep you on track of your to-do's. When you have lot's of responsibilities having it all organized is the best way to keep from falling behind. I use the very expensive but well worth it Erin Condren planner.
If you want to bring other supplies to school with you go right ahead but I did the same thing and I have used my colored pencils once. More than likely your dorm front desk will have those supplies that you think you need so don't sweat it.

Alright guys that is all I have for you today! If you still want to check out some of my videos on Youtube you can click here for the link. If you have any questions for me I am down to answer them on my Twitter and Tumblr which the links are right on the sidebar. See you next week guys bye!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Summer Class Need to Knows!

Summer Classes

Heyy y'all it's finally Wednesday feels like it took forever to get here. This week has been bittersweet so far because today was my second to last day that I would be working at my job here in Germany. Tomorrow is my last day but some of the co-workers I wouldn't see tomorrow were all giving me hugs and telling me how much of a good time it was to work with me. So I'm a little sad but that's okay I'll be back there in December. On another note, this weeks post is on summer classes. If you don't feel like reading this don't worry I also made a youtube video that explains summer classes and how my summer class went and I will link it right here. If you're reading though just scroll down!

I just found out that I passed my summer class with an A and my last two papers that I was talking about I also got A's on those too! You guys don't understand how proud I am of myself! That class was no joke hard but easy. I somewhat enjoyed my summer class and wanted to tell you why I think it's worth it to take a summer class also what to do in order to take a summer class.
  1. If you plan on taking a summer class at your university or at community college back home then the first thing you want to do is talk to your academic advisor. Your academic advisor will tell you what course to take while your at the university or if you go home and take a course. If you decide to take a class back home your acadmeic advisor will tell you to check your schools course registration website and input your community college you will be attending. There it will tell you what classes you can take that will transfer back to your university.
  2. Here is a big tip when it comes to what kind of summer class you will be taking. What I mean is if the class will be taken in a classroom, online with weekly discussion forums, or online without a forums. If you know you do better when in a classroom setting go with that because you're already taking a summer class let it at least be a class that you will somewhat enjoy. I had no choice when it came to my class because I'm overseas and I had to take an online class.
  3. The last HUGE thing that is a big deal when taking a classes is your grade. Your grade is always a big deal but if you take a summer class at a community college it is mandatory that you get above a C. I say this because if you don't you will not be able to transfer that credit and thats money flushed down the toilet in my opinion.
Overall, my summer class was fine but at sometimes very stressful because my professor was not clear at times making things a lot more difficult. I still learned a lot and I got a Gen. Ed. done now I am that much closer to graduating and I paid way less for the class than I would've payed at the Univeristy of Iowa. My best friend Naija tagged me in a Get to Know Me tag video btw so I hope to have that up either friday or saturday! I''ll let y'all know when its' up.

Alright that's all I got for y'all today if you had a good summer class or bad one let me know. DM your experiences and tell me how you feel now after taking your summer class. See ya next week BYE!:)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Nothing too fancy schmancy

Heyy y'all I'm sorry that I don't have anything fun to put up for you guys to read. This week is my second to last week of summer class and I have an 8-page paper due and a 3-page essay for my final due so it's been pretty hectic.

Don't worry though I will have a post up next week and I might have a Vlog up either Wednesday or Friday next week as well. Throughout the rest of this week and the weekend though I'll do some small updates on some trips I might be taking, this book I'm currently reading (which is really good btw), and a sneak peek at what my next blog/vlog will be about. If you guys are taking a summer class and you're going through what I'm going through DM me and tell me about it. Also, if you want me to make a post/vlog about summer classes I am going to put a poll on my Tumblr and y'all can vote yes or no there. See you soon guys!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bantu knot tutorial for naturally curly hair

Hey y'all! It's WEDNESDAY! So you know what that mean.. that means I'm posting if you don't know... anyways, today I am going tell you about how I Bantu knot my hair! I actually made a video and I'm going to share that link with you guys here! I'm so excited to show it to y'all because it is my first ever video I'm posting and you can tell I'm nervous lol, but that will change over time I'm sure... maybe..Idk. Regardless, I am putting it up and I will explain down below how to do Bantu knots too so just keep reading or watching 
How I feel inside when I post and when it's Wednesday

1. So the first thing you want to do is have your hair wet and conditioned or at least have your hair with some kind of conditioner that will allow your curls to be very soft when you take them out of the knots. You don't have to wet the hair if you don't want to I just thought that method was best for me. If you're growing your hair, like me, and you're trying this look I suggest putting melted coconut oil in your hair, letting it set for an hour, and then washing it out before you do the knots. The coconut oil allows the virgin hair to be healthier and speed up growth.

2. The next step would be to part your hair into even sections. I say that you should part your hair evenly rather than all over the place because then when you undo the knots your doesn't look fuller in certain parts of your hair than others.

3. After that begin to twist your hair in a spiral until it is so tight it gets a kink in it, once your hair gets that kink begin to twist around the kink until it looks like a bee hive. Once you have the bee hive tie it with an elastic or you can pin it. I prefer elastics because when you go to sleep then you won't have the pins sticking in your head(unless you're not sleeping in them, in that case, that doesn't matter)

4. The last thing to do is to set the knots after you have finished your hair. I usually start by using an oil sheen spray by ORS and then once that is done spray it with a strong hold hairspray like Tresemme stronghold. Don't spray too much hairspray because when you take the knots out they will be much harder to unwind.

I would say that you keep them in your hair for about two and half hours for the minimum. Once you have untangled them they should come out with big luscious curls! Here's an example of a girls curls that are on fleek!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Posting Days!

Heyy yall! So I thought I would give you guys an update with what's been happening lately. This week has been the usual working and doing school work, nothing too fancy. When I was in Paris I had to submit a paper over a class that is a pain in my butt. Anyways, I got the paper back and I got a B, I'm pretty satisfied with that because I thought it would be way worse, but all is well thankfully. My next paper is due August 3 and its 8 pages long *kills self* no but really if you're taking a summer course you understand how I feel. Don't even get me started on the readings
Every time I see how many pages I  have to read

Apart from my very boring summer school life I wanted to give you guys some clarity on when I will be posting a blog post. Since I am here in Germany I am many hours away from where you guys are so when I post it's like 3 o'clock over here but way later in the day where yall are at. With that being said, I will post on Wednesday until I get back to the states I know it's Friday, but I wanted to let yall know. This might change when I get back to the states so I'll keep yall updated. I just filmed a Bantu knots tutorial tonight and I will start editing soon, the real question is if I will post it, lol. I am extremely shy and I am trying to get out of comfort zone by doing videos so we'll see. I am sure my best friend Nae will convince me into doing it. I will post a pic on my social media  of how it turns out and on here too in the photos label that I will create. Just an FYI my head is killing me from how tight these things are.

Until next time...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Drugstore Makeup Haul

Hey yall! I said that I would tell you guys about my makeup haul and how the products were so here it is. Just for future reference this is a beauty blog but occasionally I'll tell you guys about what I got from beauty stores when I feel like can make really creative looks that I don't normally do. That's what I did with this haul if you follow me on my twitter than you can go there to see the look, but it'll be at the end of this post too.

So here's what I got! I got all these all for under a little over 35 dollars. From left to right there are the two nail polishes both from Sally Hansen in the shades Ginger Zinger(255) and Giant Peach(185). Next were the three lip pencils from Rimmel London all from the collection Lasting Finish, and the shades are Spice(011), Mauve Shimmer(009), and Wine(061). Next two were cream waterproof eyeshadows from the NYCs Cityproof waterproof eyeshadow collection, and they're in the shades Easter River Romance(650) and Central Park Tulip(640). The two after the eyeshadows are these beautiful lipsticks by Wet Wild from their Mega Last collection, and they're in the shades Ravin' Raisin(915D) and Cinnamon Spice(917B). The last few things that were pictured above was a mascara and a face primer, L'Oreal Paris Telescopic in the shade Carbon Black(935) and Maybelline New york's Masterprime by Face Studio in the shade Blur+Smooth(100)
left to right: Rimmel Lip liners(011,009,061) then the NYC waterproof eyeshadows(650,640) and lastly the Wet Wild lipsticks(917B,(915D)

First, I wanted to talk about the lip liners because the formula for them is great for pencils to me. They are not hard to apply and great to wear under the Rimmel liners which I did in the look below. On the packing, it says that it is a stay on lip contouring pencil and i agree. With this pencil, you can just wear it by itself had a beautiful matte look, you can wear just on the outer corners and then blend in with you fingers or fill the whole lip in.

Second, the NYC eyeshadows so pretty. I wanted some pretty cool colors because for my light-skinned and dark-skinned  ladies we look amazing in purples so I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and try a pretty purple look. The shadows are in a pencil form which makes the applying process a lot easier if you need to put in small spots on the lid. The only things I didn't think about when buying the shadows was that they had sparkles in them, and in my look that I wanted to do I wanted the purple to be matte because my crease would be sparkly. Regardless, the look actually came out just as pretty with the sparkle in it. Central Park Tulips(purple) was not as pigmented as East River Romance so when I added CPT I used the purple shade in my Too Faced Chocolate bar palette to help the color pop out a bit. (That's the Sally Hansen polish by the way)

Third, are the Wet Wild lipsticks and they are so pigmented! I'm surprised because back when I had the company's lipstick I just though their lipsticks were not long last lasting and sheer, but these are great. It's a semi-matte so not completely drying and it's suppose to last for 4 hours which is good if you're just going to go to class or you have to head out to the dining halls before they close. The collection they were 1.49 at my exchange and that is a really good cheap price especially for us college students times is hard lol. The collection has over 26 shades to choose from and they are available at pretty much every drugstore.

no eyebrows lol

So when it comes to this mascara let me tell ya it's as great as all the Youtubers said it was. Lengthening, great for bottom lashes, spidery, just great! I wore it in the very last pic of this post and I fell in love with the first coat, but the second coat is the topper of the cake. You go L'Oreal!

The primers pretty good, I've only had it on twice and each time it did a fairly good job. I have really oily skin so it didn't wow me but for drugstore I would say it's my go to until I find another. It definitely blurs so if you have somewhat oily skin and you don't want to wear a full face of makeup wear this product just to get rid of the oil and look smooth.

When it comes toe polishes they are both great! I especially love the Complete Salon Manicure in Ginger Zinger because it such a comforting color and the color will stay on for a week maybe more. I went to Paris for the fourth and I painted them the 2nd, when the next week came around there were no chips whatsoever. I put the Giant peach on my feet only and that lasted long too, but it's on your feet and those don't chip as bad as your fingers obviously.

This post is already super long but here is how my look turned out :) Try theses products, take pictures, and send them to me I would love to see them(Link in the sidebar). If you didn't like the products let me know because it's probably something I hadn't even noticed. Hope you like the look though and I will see you guys in my next post!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Two posts in one day? I know I'm surprised myself but since me and my friend Nae and I are beginning our blogs around the same time I can't not support her. 

She just blogged about transitioning from the creamy crack to the all na-tur-ale! So go check that out if you're thinking about transitioning or if you want to read about Nae and her blog partner, Jasmyns, life through college just click the link!

I hope to have a post up tomorrow of this Makeup haul I did at my Military exchange while I'm on vacation here in Germany, so look out for that!
See ya later homes!*insert fake mexican accent*

Where she at doe?

You guys are probably like "Where has this girl been"? "She hasn't been on her blog in forever" and all of theses statements are true. I wanted to begin a blog to start off my freshman year and I figured out that doing a blog was just not what I needed to be doing at that time. I was beginning my new life and starting new friendships with people so that was the better choice for me. I am back now though and I am better than ever.
Kick off at Kinnick

 If you're in college and have an experience that happened and you thought it was funny or exciting to tell please email me or DM me on twitter or Tumblr because I would love to hear about it. My first year was great and I can't wait to show you pictures and tell you about all the things that I learned while being on my own here in the states when my parents moved out of the country.

Links are in the Sidebar:)

Monday, July 13, 2015


Yes I was yelling when I typed that header. Anyways, I really want to start a Vlog! My Best Friend and I want to, but I have no idea what my first video should be. I have all these ideas that I can do for subscribers and I have like a theme I want to do my Vlog on, but I don’t know exactly what to do the first one on. Let me know what you guys think I should do. My Twitter and Tumblr is to the right! Hope to hear from ya!